Brandy seems to be a perfectionist so that could work in her favor.

I think Jennifer & Derek get my vote right now before they get to the ballroom. I know that makes it nothing more than a popularity contest, but that's all I have to go on at this point. I'll definitely be voting based on dancing ability however. But she looks like she may do alright in that respect as well - and Derek is no cream-puff when it comes to teaching, so I think they have a chance.

Margaret Cho looks like she's picking up the steps alright and working hard.

Audrina has a dancers body and decent form so she & Tony may do really well. I like Tony and would love to see him get a mirror ball trophy of his own. The closest he's come in 8 seasons on DWTS: 3rd place in seasons 2 and 8.

Florence Henderson thinks she can get away with not wearing heels?! Seriously Flo? Think again! Corcky tells her she'll get spanked by Len. Tonight we'll find out if she's going to take the spanking or not. But she looks a little brittle in the facebook video. Not as stiff however, as Buzz Aldrin looked - second to leave in season 10!

Mark Ballas is a strong leader so Bristol Palin seems to be doing okay in their early rehearsals, but those few steps don't tell me much. More telling is the look of uncertainty on her face when Mark slaps his thighs! HAHAHA! She looks at him like she's never gotten down! Well I guess we'll see how well little miss Palin can shake it!

I'm still hoping Michael Bolton & Chelsie Hightower do well and his sneak-peek video doesn't change that! Jennifer & Derek are my pick for the lady contestants, but Michael and Chelsie are definitely my pre-dancing pick on the men's side!
Mike & Karina are doing the Cha-cha tonight, as is everyone, and I hope they can make a decent showing since it sounded in the video, like he barely arrived in LA for rehearsals a few days ago. I think maybe his Jersey Shore taping schedule had him caught up longer than the other stars of the show, but that doesn't seem like they have much of a chance if he's barely learning to dance this week. Holly Madison tried to jump in at the last minute in season 8 and was the 3rd star to go home. She may as well have been the first eliminated, but with Belinda Carlisle & Denise Richards also competing, there were a few needing to go home at once so it took a minute to get to Holly. It's possible the extra rehearsal time wouldn't have mattered since the next two weeks she was still pretty bad. We'll see if The Situation has any raw talent Karina has been able to work with over the past week or not.

David & Kym might be going home sooner than I originally thought. The Hoff has vertigo? hehehe... Oh this can't be good!

If Kurt & Anna's video is any indication, it might be just a little bit painful to watch him in the ballroom tonight!

Kyle & Lacey seem to be working hard but WHAT is with her pants? And I'm still not digging the blond hair. And as I suspected, Kyle doesn't seem to be a natural. What was with his somersault? I can do better than that and I can't even turn a cartwheel!

Rick & Cheryl seem to be having a great time, working hard and not doing too bad. "Hanging on for dear life", he called it. I think he'll do okay.
I'm excited to see the premier tonight! It will be good to find out what kind of rhythm & skill these stars will bring to the ballroom. I'll let you know what I think...
I'm excited tonight too! It looks like there are going to be some busts in this mix, I'm a little bummed that the Hoff has vertigo. I had high hopes for him, but after seeing that, there is too much for him to get over to make it work for him. He might just be the first one eliminated, but Kym is a champ and she'll do things to make him look good. His days are numbered though if he can figure it out. My final four at this point: Fox, Audrina, Jennifer, and Brandy.