I think my favorites were Jennifer Grey and Kyle Massey.

And as far as who should go home, I think it's Margaret Cho and Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino. But I think The Situation has a better chance at getting the votes than Margaret Cho.

Audrina Patridge & Tony Dovolani were up first, dancing the Cha-cha-cha to Katy Perry's California Girls. Audrina was all smiles, cute, has a great body and decent form. She's a little awkward at times but very capable looking. All the judges were impressed and Len was even nice! Tom commented that the judges are always more pleasant when they return from summer break. They earned a vote from me.

Scores from Carey Anne, Len & Bruno: 6-7-6
Call 1-800-868-3401 during the show or go to abc.com to vote for Audrina and Tony.
Kurt Warner & Anna Trebunskaya danced second. Holy SEVEN kids?! Wow, is Kurt a Mormon (It's okay for me to ask in such a bold manner because I used to be one)? They're dancing the Viennese Waltz. Kurt wasn't too bad. He was graceful and not too wooden. He crouched a little and clenched his fists but I think this is common for football stars - they hunch & huddle a lot at first because that's what they're used to. Len wasn't happy with the performance and thought Kurt lacked grace. But we know Len is the toughest critic.

Scores from Carey Anne, Len & Bruno: 7-5-7
Call 1-800-868-3408 during the show or go to abc.com to vote for Kurt and Anna.
Kyle Massey & Lacey Schwimmer were up next and Lacey's hair was looking a little better for the show, but I'm still not a fan of the blond. They were dancing the Cha-cha-cha and I wasn't too sure Kyle would manage. Wow. Maybe I was wrong about him because he can actually move! That wasn't at all awkward & his footwork was great! I'm impressed and he might even get some votes from me. The judges liked it - of course Len hated the at-the-lockers gimmick at the beginning but he never does like that stuff. And Bruno enjoyed it - called him an entertainer. I ended up giving him 3 votes & thought he was the best of the men.

Scores from Carey Anne, Len & Bruno: 8-7-8
Call 1-800-868-3403 during the show or go to abc.com to vote for Kyle and Lacey.
Rick Fox & Cheryl Burke went fourth dancing the Viennese Waltz. Wow he's really tall! They danced to Aerosmith's Crazy - a favorite of mine - and it wasn't bad! I think Cheryl was right to set the precedent right off by telling him not to dance down to her - she would come up to him. That was the problem with Chad Ochocinco I think. Len said Rick was smooth & postured. Bruno pointed out the NFL/NBA face-off going on this season, and Carrie Anne called him a fox! That's right girl. Love the cream suit Rick. I'll give you a vote.

Scores from Carey Anne, Len & Bruno: 8-7-7
Call 1-800-868-3404 during the show or go to abc.com to vote for Rick and Cheryl.
Margaret Cho & Louis Van Amstel danced the Viennese Waltz to Queen's We Are the Champions but I don't think it was a champion-worthy performance unfortunately. They choreographed some mis-steps & spills into the dance and it was a risky move I think didn't pay off. The comedic element was fun & their flamboyant costumes fit, but I don't know if it can make up for the awkward waltz she gave us. Len thought the comedic element was inappropriate and Carrie Anne felt it was a brave move to purposely fall on the first night.

Scores from Carey Anne, Len & Bruno: 5-5-5 Ouch...
Call 1-800-868-3405 during the show or go to abc.com to vote for Margaret and Louis.
Brandy & Maksim Chmerkovskiy danced the Viennese Waltz and it was pretty good! She had grace & ease. She smiled and looked comfortable in the ballroom. All three judges loved her and she's off to a great start. I gave her a vote.

Scores from Carey Anne, Len & Bruno: 7-8-8
Call 1-800-868-3406 during the show or go to abc.com to vote for Brandy and Maks.
Bristol Palin & Mark Ballas started their season with the Cha-cha-cha. Len said for week 1 it was good. He pointed out that the steps were there, made no mistakes, had good hip action, etc. He's right, it was okay. And she did do a little hip shaking. Bruno pointed out some small details she did well. Carrie Anne said Bristol surprised her & had great legs. I thought she did well but in a lot of parts, it was uncomfortable to watch Marc literally dance circles around her. I guess that's typical for the first week, I just hate to see the dance/walking they do when they can't really do the steps.

Scores from Carey Anne, Len & Bruno: 6-6-6
Call 1-800-868-3407 during the show or go to abc.com to vote for Bristol and Marc.
Florence Henderson & Corky Ballas were next, dancing the Cha-cha-cha. And I just have to say I love Flo's dirty mouth! I think she dropped the F-bomb in rehearsals. Finally I can relate to the woman! It was a fun performance, she had the steps, she didn't stumble and she even had some hip action... Bruno called her a spunky lady & says he can see plenty of it! Ha! Carrie Anne was happy to see her enjoying the dance and Len said it was great entertainment. I still thought it was stiffer than it should be.

Scores from Carey Anne, Len & Bruno: 6-6-6
Call 1-800-868-3409 during the show or go to abc.com to vote for Florence and Corky.
Michael Bolton & Chelsie Hightower were up next with the Viennese Waltz. Michael has a winning smile but he was hunching his shoulders. He had all the steps but it was a little stiff. Carrie Anne wants him to smile more, Len wasn't happy with his posture and Bruno wants him to relax & take it easy. Despite the lack of polish, I gave him a vote. I'd like to see him back for a few weeks at least. I think he can improve.

Scores from Carey Anne, Len & Bruno: 6-5-5
Call 1-800-868-3402 during the show or go to abc.com to vote for Michael and Chelsie.
Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino & Karina Smirnoff danced the Cha-cha-cha and I thought his footwork was only gonna break-break the, break-break the judges hearts. He was pretty awkward and wooden on the dance floor. Of course this is partly because of his limited practice time, but the judges can't take that into account when scoring their dance. Len said he was under-rehearsed & had the guns but lacked the ammunition! I love it when Len gets laughs. Bruno said there was a spark of what may or may not be talent. Carrie Anne pointed out that they can't be nicer to him in consideration of his limited practice time, but she hopes to see him back next week.

Scores from Carey Anne, Len & Bruno: 5-5-5
Call 1-800-868-3410 during the show or go to abc.com to vote for Mike and Karina.
Jennifer Grey and Derek Hough danced the Viennese Walts to These Arms of Mine from Dirty Dancing. Watching their rehearsal was a little sad because she was remembering Patrick Swayze. But once they got past the emotion, the dance was great! Bruno said Baby is back where she belongs! Carrie Anne said it was profound and Jennifer only gets better with age. Len said the dance suited her but he was waiting for her Jive next week. I thought Jennifer was the best of the women, or as good as Brandy. I think she has great possibility, and she's still my favorite so I gave her 5 votes. I called once right after their Waltz & then spent the rest of my remaining votes after the show was over: 4 more for Jennifer and 2 more for Kyle.

Scores from Carey Anne, Len & Bruno: 8-8-8
Call 1-800-868-3411 during the show or go to abc.com to vote for Jennifer and Derek.
David Hassehoff & Kym Johnson danced the Cha-cha-cha to Sex Bomb! Maybe 10 years ago he would've torn it up but last night he was pretty stiff and had absolutely no hip action. Carrie Anne called him a mix of Donny Osmond & Jerry Springer! Len said it's never too early to panic, but he also called it entertaining. He's more worried about the Quickstep next week. Bruno assured him we do love The Hoff but said it was all madness and no dancing. He called it a Poo-Pouri of insanity. Poo-pouri Bruno?

Scores from Carey Anne, Len & Bruno: 5-5-5
Call 1-800-868-3412 during the show or go to abc.com to vote for David & Kym.
So here are the standings and scores:
Jennifer - 24
Kyle - 23
Brandy - 23
Rick - 22
Audrina - 19
Kurt - 19
Bristol - 18
Florence - 18
Michael Bolton - 16
The Hoff - 15
The Situation - 15
Margaret - 15
It was a great show and I can't wait for the rest of the season! Tonight is the results show and we'll see Santana and Daughtry perform.
They're doing another Macey's Design-A-Dance this season and the dance styles are open for voting at abc.com.
Voting takes place by phone from the start of the show until 30 minutes after it's over (7pm till 9:30pm here in the Mountain time zone). Online voting is open till 11am Eastern time the next morning (9am here in the mountains).
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